Bent into shape Instead of getting bent out of shape by our zeitgeisty obsessions, we might submit our affections to be bent into shape by a life of authentic worship.
All is smoke In our sojourning, we must do what Eve was unwilling to do. We must sit with our longings. Feel the heart-aching loss. Embrace the dizzying confusion. Hold space for the tension that suspends us between hope and despair.
A New Thing Last year I shared a short essay titled "God’s Mother Tongue". It was a soliloquy about poetry as play. I was exploring my identity as a writer in general, and a poet in particular. I had not yet had the revelation of myself as a poet. I
Spiraling up If you’re reading this it’s because you’re a paid subscriber getting the inside scoop on my book writing journey. I appreciate you! Much of what I’m about to share has been made possible because of your support. A few months ago I announced that I was
Humility is reality Humility is living in reality. Pride is delusion, and leads to unrest in our souls.
God’s mother tongue God speaks metaphor. And if we are going to understand him, his story, and our own, we must be fluent his language.
Writing about what I’m writing about (…it’s a book!) I won’t bury the lede. I’m writing my first book! And the second lede—if you’re a paid subscriber you’ll have access to everything as I write it. Now, hang with me for three minutes and I’ll give you the rest of the story. I
What is a woman made of? Today is International Women’s Day. A day that is historically linked to the women’s rights movement. That’s complicated for me for reasons I won’t bog down this post with. I’ll just focus on what’s simple. Women have possessed an incalculable, intrinsic worth since the